Russell and Finlay must confront a serial killer case from their past while working in Seattle whe
The CSI team investigates a well-orchestrated bombing at the funeral of Officer Franklin Clark.
Foul play is suspected when an apparent suicide victim still has the gun in his hand, and a flower
While Ecklie fights for his life after his shooting, Russell's patience begins to wear thin as
Under the direction of new boss D.B. Russell, the team tackles cases involving a wild shootout on
看来Sara还是耐不住寂寞,CSI的制作人们也病急乱投医,为了挽救下滑的收视率,刚刚离开该剧还不到一年的Jorja Fox正式和剧组签约,将重返CSI,在第10季中出演若干集。 据该剧的制作人C
CSI的第九季将于十月十日重装上阵。虽说是CSI系列中最晚登场的一个,然而,且不提爱好者们的反映,单就已发行的宣传片来看,Gil grissom和他的小队所带来的紧张刺激也绝不会是排在倒数第一的。